“The Infinite Value of Giving” – S. Fisner
Let us say that you love the school where your children are being prepared for life. The school needs an auditorium to showcase the work of the children and to meet as a com- munity of caring parents and friends. You decide to give $1,000 to the capital campaign. Many others contribute and the auditorium is built. It is beautiful as well as useful. You see the first Shakespeare play in which your child has a role. He speaks so clearly. You marvel at his poise and sense for the dramatic. You already feel that your $1,000 was the best possible sacrifice you could make.
But the magic of the gift is that the work of your $1,000 is still going on. Other plays take place. Other children are learning and growing up in the same auditorium. Your child has graduated, yet the gift goes on benefiting others. If the auditorium stands and remains useful for 100 years, perhaps as many as 5,000 children have grown up in it. Perhaps several hundred teachers were able to educate them and develop as they taught. The graduates marry and they have children. They work in every kind of business. Some work in government, some are musicians, entrepreneurs, artists, attorneys, carpenters, singers, financiers and teachers.
The list goes on and on. Every profession is affected by the gift that now lives on in people. The graduates travel and visit or work in every country in the world and are involved in every religion and every type of spiritual search. Five thousand graduates affect per- haps as many as one billion people around the world, and the gift still goes on working.”