
MackBot is our all-school student information system and database. MackBot is where we keep all up-to-date family contact information, report cards, MS grades, and community groups information. One of the more useful features of MackBot is the directory feature that allows you to see who’s in your child/s class, and where they live to aid with potential carpooling (always encouraged to cut down on traffic and emissions). Middle School students have their full schedules in MackBot, and teachers input and track assignments, homework, and grades in the system (also accessible by parents).

If you have any questions about logging in and using MackBot please reach out first to our Technology Coordinator, Meghan Armstrong, and then Jenny Strode or Sarisa Rawley for additional help.

Adjusting Notification Settings: 
If you want to change your notifications, go to the upper right corner where your name is – click settings in the pull down menu – then click notifications on the right sidebar. You can set the notifications to come via text or email or both. Settings are set to “email” for new parents, and returning parent settings should roll over from prior year.

Easy Access to Mackbot from Your Phone: 
If you use this link from your phone, it will bring you to your login page. Go ahead and sign in, use the navigation bar to add the icon to your home screen. If you need help, see the instructions below for adding Mackbot to your iPhone Home Screen.

Updating Your Information in Mackbot: 
Since MackBot is our main database, it is critical that you keep your address, email, and phone numbers up to date. We use this information to feed all of our other communication systems (Google group emails, Constant Contact newsletters, BrightArrow emergency closure system, etc.).